About the Author: Scott Merrow has been writing short fiction as a hobby since retiring from the Air Force ten years ago. He’s had a few stories published recently, both online and in print, and a few more forthcoming soon. He and his wife Paula also co-write short screenplays. To date, ten of them have been produced. Scott and Paula live in Colorado.
Howdy, folks. My name’s William Bonney. Most of you prob’ly know me as Billy the Kid. ’Course, that was back in the days when I was alive, over a hunnert years ago. Now I’m dead, shot down in my prime by that snake-in-the-grass Pat Garrett. But that’s a whole ’nother story.
Now, you might be wondering how a dead man can be telling you this story at all. I don’t reckon I can explain it neither, but the long ’n’ short of it is this—I’m a ghost. Sorta stuck between two worlds.
I spend most of my time in the ghostly realm, listenin’ to all that hootin’ and wailin’, but ever’ so often I get called back here to the world o’ the livin’. Don’t know ’zackly how it happens, but when I get here, there’s usually some sort of job for me to do, some livin’ person who needs my help. I guess I got some atonin’ to do, on account o’ the men I shot while my boots was still walking on solid ground.
Anyhow, near’s I can tell, this time I been called to help solve a mystery. A murder mystery. Now, how’d I know that? Well, when I got yanked from the ghostly world, I found myself floatin’ in this here hotel room. Then I seen him, that feller on the floor. Looks like he’s sleepin’, only, he ain’t. He’s dead.
And I believe the person I’m here to help is about to walk through that door. He’ll be the one wearin’ the badge.
Wonderful story! Loved it.
Always enjoy a good twist to a story. And a different take on a ghost. Not your usual kind of haunting. Very funny.
This is a great story. Something unique (the helpful ghost), and a fun puzzle mystery.