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I Don't Like Mondays

by Josh Pachter

About the Author: Josh Pachter was the 2020 winner of the Short Mystery Fiction Society's Golden Derringer Award for Lifetime Achievement. He also won the Derringer for Best Flash Story that year — for "The Two-Body Problem," which originally appeared in Mystery Magazine's October 2019 issue. In addition to writing, Josh also edits anthologies — most recently PARANOIA BLUES: CRIME FICTION INSPIRED BY THE SONGS OF PAUL SIMON.


Nowadays, Bob Geldof is remembered for putting together the Band Aid, Live Aid, and Live 8 concerts and writing the holiday classic “Do They Know It’s Christmas?” Back in the 1970s, though, he was a founding member and the lead singer of the Boomtown Rats, a sextet out of Dún Laoghaire, Ireland, that had a string of Top 40 singles in the UK between ’77 and ’82 and was a one-hit wonder in the US with “I Don’t Like Mondays,” a disturbing four-minute track that made it onto Billboard’s Hot 100 in the summer of ’79.

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