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Swimming With Sharks

by Bond Elam

About the Author: Bond Elam has published a number of stories in Analog Science Fiction and Fact, flash fiction in Mystery Tribune and the cover story in the April, 2019, edition of Mystery Weekly Magazine.


Gordon Stark never much liked black-tie affairs—all the high-minded ladies scurrying around, saving whales and homeless people. He liked even less the way his second wife, Vivian, was always fussing with his tie, straightening his jacket, insisting that he look just right for their photos on the society pages. So when the blush of passion from the first years of their marriage began to fade, it was only natural that Gordon Stark’s eye began to wander.

Ironically, it was at one of these gala events that Gordon’s attention was first drawn to, Gwen Kristersson, the woman who was to become his third wife. With her pale blonde hair drawn into a knot at the back of her head, she reminded him of a ballet dancer—prim and proper, her graceful shoulders radiant in her shimmering black evening dress.

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