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Corpse Cake

by Richard Helms

About the Author: Richard Helms is the author of twenty-two published novels, with the twenty-third (VICAR BREKONRIDGE) scheduled for release in October by Level Best Books. Helms has won the Silver Falchion Award, the ITW Thriller Award, the MRI Macavity Award, the SMFS Derringer Award (twice) and the PWA Shamus Award (twice). His story "See Humble and Die" was included in Best American Mystery Stories 2020.


Vicar Brekonridge had earned the bubbled and congealed mass of waxy scars that covered the right side of his face and head honorably, saving children in a housefire, but he preferred to cover himself in public. He draped a light woolen scarf around his head and neck and secured it with the battered beaver-felt John Bull that he typically wore on the job. It looked shabby compared to his new suit and greatcoat, but he liked the hat, and it had served him well in his exploits. It was a nice change to walk the streets of London in the crisp autumn air with nothing in mind except savoring the afternoon. He found a small park in the intersection of several streets and settled into a bench there with the intent of relaxing until something forced him to move.

Seconds later, a man dashed around the corner, running for his life, only seconds ahead of an angry mob that screamed at him and hurled sticks and rocks. Brekonridge watched as they thundered past. The man skidded and stumbled as he grabbed a gaslight pole and swung himself around the next corner.

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