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Trouble At First Sight

by Edward Lodi

About the Author: Edward Lodi's work appears in numerous magazines, journals, and anthologies. Among his 30 published books are two books of memoirs.


As soon as she walked through the door I knew she was trouble.

As it turned out, I was right. But not in the way I anticipated.

I was seated at my desk toying with the peanuts I keep in a pink Depression-glass dish for any clients tempted to indulge. Few ever are. Maybe the mouse droppings mixed in with the peanuts put them off. Maybe the peanuts attract the mice in the first place.

The peanuts don’t really matter. It’s not as though I’m inundated with clients. Only the most desperate walk through my door. Or the hopelessly naïve.

Like this one. A young girl. She wasn’t what you’d call pretty, but you could make the case she was cute as a button. Red hair. Turquoise eyes, the kind that make your heart skip a beat. Her face sported more freckles than a Speckled Trout. She had on a pale green top tucked into summer shorts a darker shade of green.

Her legs below the shorts were bare. Her spotless white sneakers looked brand new. Her arms and legs were tanned. When she saw me toying with the peanuts she hesitated. “Are you Mr. Atti, the detective?”

“One and the same. What can I do for you, honey?”

She approached my desk. “You can begin by not addressing me as ‘honey.’ My name is Melissa. Melissa Manning. You may call me Melissa, since I’m only eleven. You’re an adult, so I’ll call you Mr. Atti.” I’d known her all of a minute and already she’d put me in my place. Even so I liked the kid.

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